Kettlebells with Dee

Kettlebells with Dee

Work in your own pace, set your timer for 4x 3min rounds with 1min rest in between, do as many supersets as possible in 3 min and rest.

Tip: always focus on form, but if you can only use light KB try to focus on speed.

Round 1 - 3min work, rest 1min

  • 10x Dead lifts
  • 10x Upright rows 
  • 10x Swings 

Round 2 - 3min work, rest 1min

  • 10x Squats
  • 10x Lunges (5 each side)
  • 10x Thrusters (5 each side)

Round 3 - 3min work, rest 1min

  • 5x Halo
  • 5x Bicep curl
  • 5x Sprawl press

Round 4 - 3min work, rest 1min

  • 10x Side dips (5 each side)
  • 5x Pull overs
  • 10x Russian twists (5 each side)


  • Bum Burner



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